søndag den 3. februar 2013

So it begins

Kære læser ;) (thihi fnis, føles skørt at skrive).

Grundet jeg skriver mit praktikdokument på engelsk (mit dårlige engelsk jeg, i samme proces, er ved at opøve), så er det grunden til at det følgende også er på engelsk... Jeg er nemlig så doven, at jeg ikke gider at skrive det hele igen på dansk.... (Men, der er en advarsel: mit engelske og tilhørende grammatik er lige til at smide ud af vinduet, så der er sikkert også et par grin blandet deri til dig også :)) Go' fornøjelse.

Week 5:

First day at work was Wednesday the 30th January at 11 am. We were showed around the school, the classes, their own toy manufacturing and their own clothes manufacturing. This day ended at 1:10 pm. (Work hrs. 2,10)

Because some of us (nine interns) still suffered from jetlag and the long journey getting here in general, we got Thursday the 31th January as a day of. (work hrs. 0) We used two hours in the evening to write some learning objectives and in our Internship document. (Homework hrs: 2)

Friday the 1st February we were back at the school. We got there early approximately at 7:15 am, and we were asked to be there at 7:30 am. When we walked inside the school, we were asked to sit at “our” table. Then miss. Lily gave us some homemade books concerning the interns before us (there were pictures, descriptions of their internship and so on). Directly at 8:00am we and all the others had to stand up straight in respect for the national song. (This is a generally thing the people of Thailand do at 8:00 am and 18:00 pm every single day). Then we sad dawn again and this time miss Lily joined us. We closed the books and brought all out attention to her. She gave us; a brochure concerning The Peirra navin foundation, a schedule of the daily activities at he Pirayanavin School (the part of the foundation I’m in), Training rules for trainees at Pirayanavin School, the Thai’s nation song and a song called; KO PEN KON DEE (intention to be a good people) made by the president of the school - we got it in Thai (how to pronounce it not their signs) and in English.  These papers especially the papers about how to dress ourselves at job leaded up to a lot of questions, miss Lily were very sweet and answered it all even though a lot of the questions was nearly the same. The questions was concerning the rules about female teachers (the pupils sees us as teachers therefore there are certain rules about our dressing because we have to look prober so we can be respected) only wearing skirts under the knees, male teachers have to wear long trousers and none must show t heir shoulders.  We also talked a lot of which kind of shoes there’s “allowed” on the school.  Why all the talking about “how to dress” appeared, I think is the vest culture and the east culture came together.
Also we talked about 9.35-10.15am (Thai and English language) – we, trainees, perhaps could teach in English and Danish, that 10.15 – 10.50am (Creativity and free play) – aren’t always the same, 11.30am – Noon (showering and brushing time) – is only the children in nursery and kindergarten and perhaps the youngest classes? (About showering, brushing (brushing teeth) there’s a culture experience because; the foundation does this for the children because otherwise you can’t be sure the children get a shower and brushed – that’s not like anything we do for children at a school/kindergarten in Denmark). From approximately 12:00-14:00am there are some activities to the none-sleeping children – we got for assignment to plan some activities two times a week and perform them along with another trainee – so there’s an opportunity to not perform it all alone.  
Afterwards talking with Miss. Lily we walked out to be with the children. We watched them singing and dancing. We were asked to go up in front of them all to introduce ourselves. We said: “ca-va-di-kaa” (means: hej), “ce-bai-de-mai” (means: Hvordan har du det? ) and “Tjan tjøø Maibritt”. (Wrote it as I said it).
Then we were guided into a theater – a beautiful theater;   the wall, roof, floor all dressed in red and gold here we watched a class do a play. The play we were told was about the history of Thailand and we were told that it’s very comment, that the pupils learn like that - that it’s memorization more than actually “learning” (Also this is a culture experience).  
The next thing that happened (OMG a lot of things happened this day and it was so challenging to cope it all the impressions) we were guided into a room were a woman, Dr. K was. She is our “friend”. She will help us with every kind of things for en example; calling hospital, problems with taxi – stuff when communication goes wrong and such things. She told us that the thai alphabet has 44 characters and 5 sounds, and that the Pierra Navin Foundation is supported by the royal family and that the government pay the first 12 years of the children’s education. She then told us that Saturday the president of the foundation had planned a trip for us.
We ended this day by eating with dr. K all nine of us and at 1pm we left the school. (Work hrs. 5,30)  
Saturday the 2nd February Gabriella, Nana, Line Karina and I were picked up at our hotel at 6:30 am. Today we were going on a trip concerning Thailand’s world heritage ancient city – Ayutthaya.  We visited the Bang Pa-In summer palace, Wat Mahatad, Wat Phrasriansanphat, Wilan Phramongkhon Bophit. At 13:00-16:00 we were on a boad on Wat Chong-lom. This day I learned a lot about Thailand.
I learned that Wat Mahatad and Wat Phrasriansanphat is ruins there were ruined by war – heads of the sitting Buddhas all around the place was beheaded in provocation. And because the Buddhas were made out of rock and gold the provocateurs also burned them to get the gold. Furthermore I learned that Bangkok has approximately 10 million residents (herby the huge traffic problems). Most of them are Buddhist and that’s the reason why lot of temples is here (like we have churches).  The thai people believes in reincarnation and see a great value of karma concerning; only give, never take (money can’t follow us into next life, but only what we give money to). For an example: Miss. K bought some fish to release into a lake, I asked her why and she answered; “I’ve did a lot of shopping this week, so I need to give something back”.
Outside Bangkok is named the; Siam that name chosen because it’s all green and braw. (Green color as the land and braw color as the residents skin). The Siam is often floated because of the rain coming down the mountains – Bangkok is “saved” from this.     
I learned more. I learned that Buddha was a prince who saw himself as perfect, them he left his comment surroundings – the palace, and lived a “jungle”-life. He died early. Today he’s represented by the elephant (that’s the reason why the elephant is a highly respected animal here and close to be holy).
Also learned: The actual year of Thailand is 2056 (years ago Buddah died). (I think).
Also learned: In Thailand there’s three seasons: 1: raine, 2: kold (June - October), 3: warm (April – May).
We Karina, Nana, Gabriella, Line and I were back at the hotel by 5pm. (Work hrs. 10,3).

Sunday the 3th February. Today I have been writing in my internship document for approximately 4 hours. I have been writing all you see above.  (Homework hrs. 4.).

Week five:

On school: 18,2 hrs
Homework: 6 hrs.
Total: 24,2 hrs.

Håber I gad at læse det:) Det har virkelig været en fantastisk uge med en masse nye indtryk - dejlige indtryk:) Hih 

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